
Privacy policy

We at Dappfort respect our users' right to privacy and are dedicated to keeping their personal information safe. The information you give us when using our website and services is collected, used protected in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. You agree to the terms of this privacy policy by using our website.

Dappfort has the necessary security measures in place to protect the data gathered and stop the unauthorized exposure of users' personal data and data gathered. You acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the views, practices, and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy by accessing and using our website at www.dappfort.com

At Dappfort, we place a high priority on protecting the private information of our clients. To protect your data, we have put in place a wide range of security guidelines and controls. These measures consist of:


Your personal information is rendered unreadable to unauthorized parties by Dappfort's use of encryption techniques. Your data will be kept secure throughout transmission and storage because of encryption.


We use firewalls, which are software or hardware-based systems, that are built between our network and the internet. These firewalls help in preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding your data from outside threats.

Access limitations

To control who has access to sensitive information and what they can do with it, Dappfort implements stringent access controls. These safeguards guarantee that your data is only accessible to those who are authorized to see it.

Risk assessments

To identify and assess potential threats to customer data, we regularly conduct risk assessments. We implement the necessary measures to reduce the risks identified and improve the overall security of our systems based on these assessments.

Consistent security audits

Dappfort regularly reviews and evaluates the performance of our security systems through security audits. These audits enable us to quickly implement corrective measures by highlighting any vulnerabilities or flaws in our infrastructure.

Data backup

We routinely carry out data backups to protect against the possibility of a security breach. This guarantees that customer data is securely stored and can be recovered in the event of any data loss or breach.


Dappfort is dedicated to abiding by all pertinent data protection laws, including but not limited to the GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and other relevant laws. To safeguard your personal information and uphold regulatory compliance, we follow the necessary standards and guidelines.

Employee training

To lower the risk of unintentional data breaches, we regularly train our staff members on security measures and best practices. We make sure that our staff members handle customer information with the utmost care and responsibility by promoting awareness and understanding of data privacy and security.

User information gathering

At Dappfort weather directly or indirectly gather information about visitors to our website through internet logs. Your location and internet address are automatically recorded in our logs when you access our website. We use this information, including pages and sections visited, to understand user engagement.

Cookies policy

To help create overall website usage statistics, Dappfort may use cookies on our website. Unless a person provides their information, cookies do not reveal their identity. By changing their browser's settings, users can choose to disable cookies if they'd rather.

Information release: Situations where your data may be shared

When working on Dappfort’s behalf and under the terms of a highly secure contract, we may share information with reputable third parties. Just for legal reasons, this is done.

To exercise our legal right or defend ourselves from accusations, Dappfort may respond to affidavits, court orders, or requests.

Sharing users' personal information with government authorities may be necessary in situations involving spam, fraud detection, or other government-related operations.

Acceptance of policy

By visiting the Dappfort website and requesting information about our services, you signify that you agree to the terms and conditions listed above. Your continued use of our website after any changes to this policy have been made will be regarded as your acceptance of those changes.